Sunday, April 11, 2010

Genesis 1:1

"In the Beginning, God..."

I feel like this song could really speak for itself. But, there are some things God wants me to talk about.

In the beginning God...He was there, He existed, He created, He designed, He decided, He...
This all-powerful God, of everything, got this universe started. The story is told over and over again but never loses its importance. On the sixth day, God knelt down in the dirt and designed humans. An image made in His very likeness made from God's very own hands. You know, I used to have this image of God on the 7th day kicking back and taking a little nap after all His hard work. But, that image has changed into a deeper understanding. I believe that God took a day of rest so He could spend that time strolling in the Garden with His creations. He took time to build a connection with them. However, the thing I truly desire about God is that His story does not stop there. It continues. God reveals Himself and continues His work over and over again. The sad thing about our world today (myself included) is that we so easily fail to realize the power and presence of our wonderful God. Sometimes it is easy to act that He was the God of the Bible times and is not present today. But, that is SO not the truth. God is EVER-present, ALL-powerful, and FOREVER-faithful. He desires our hearts, our minds, our lives. I know sometimes it seems like a lot. But, "God always works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." His purpose for our lives is so much more effective then our own purpose in life. So, the question is, are you willing to lay your life down at the feet of such an amazing God? Can you handle the transformation, love, and purpose in your life? What do you really have to lose? (Nothing that will last forever anyway). Give your life over to the One who created you with the same hands He holds you in today. Surrender to the God of FOREVER! It's worth it!