Saturday, February 27, 2010

Numbers 14:24

"But my servant sees differently and follws me completely."

Caleb follows God with all that He is. He is an example of what surrender looks like.
"Only surrender can help you now."


Matthew 28:19

"Then Jesus said to them...GO and make disciples of all the world..."

Dear Jesus,
You said to GO! You commanded it. So why can't I? What is that has been completely standing in my way and keeping me just standing where I am? Whatever it is, can you get rid of it, for good? I don't want it in my life anymore. I'm stuck. Stuck in my own selfish mind. Stuck in all the distractions of this world. Stuck in my own desires and plans. Stuck in the confusion of who I'm supposed to be. Stuck in the false hope in the the things of this life. Stuck in my confortable own skin and mindset. Stuck in the same lame excuses over and over again. Stuck listening for Your drowned out voice. Stuck trying to find myself in the midst of all the lies. Stuck searching for your footsteps that seem too distant. Stuck gasping for air, for feeling, for renewal. Stuck waiting for something to stir up inside me. Stuck with the me that I am sick of being, living the life I'm sick of living, and forgetting the ONE that I am soo sick of forgetting. I need you. Unbind these chains. Set this Spirit free within me. Help me to fall back in Love with You. But I cannot be stuck where I am any longer. I want You, I need You. Nothing else will satisfy. You are all that I need to keep me going. So Lord, please get me out of this trap. Set me free. I want to be able to walk in step with You. But, I need to be taught how again. I have forgotten how to walk because it has been so long since my last step forward. So release me from myself and into Your hands. Heal me. Renew me. Stir up a new heart within me. Hold me close. And never let go. I need You.Teach me how to love You. Be first in my life, so I will not get stuck in myself again. Help me to get up and GO! just as You commanded.

Your Child.
PS: Thank you for never leaving my side!