Sunday, January 10, 2010

Psalm 33:11

"But the Lord's plans will stand forever; His ideas will last from now on." NCV

His plans will stand forever...We serve a neverchanging God. How great is that?! God does all that He does and plans all that He plans for us because of His love for us. And His plans never change, so His love never changes! Part of me is amazed by this fact but, my other half begings to feel horrible. I am soo not deserving of His love...forever! I think it would only be fair for Him to love me less when I deserve that. But, He doesn't! Why? Because it isn't in His plan for us. He loved us before time began and He will love me until forever ends. That is WAY more love than I could EVER deserve or give in return. It's a good thing no one EVER said God's love it fair. Because, they would have been lying! There is no way all good deeds combined in the world could ever earn the amount of love God has for us forever and ever. It truely blows my mind!

"His love endures FORVER!
and so do His plans for us!"

Saturday, January 9, 2010

1 Peter 3:15

"But in your hearts, set apart Christ as LORD. Always be prepared to give an answer...for the hope that you have."

God has been teaching me a lot about finding answers lately. I never realized how much I believe but can't back up completely. I form a lot of opinions and stand up for them without I strong enough foundation to back it up. I know that there is a reason why I feel the way I do about certain situations. I just need to make the effort to step back and focus on what it is. God has filled this world with so many amazing things and He wants us to enjoy them. But, He truly desires for us to enjoy them through His eyes. Jesus was such an amazing example because He wasn't afraid to share what He knew was the truth. He shared His saving grace with everyone, answered questions, and led by example. Now of course, it was probably a lot easier for Jesus to answer questions because He knew everything. But, God calls us to be follwers of Christ. That means we need to be constantly learning so we can build a strong foundation in Christ. "Because the Bible says so" is an easy but not a good enough answer. We must dig deeper into our faith if we want to bring others to Christ. Live a set apart life. People will see your example and wonder why you are the way you are. Be ready to give answers!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Luke 6:46-49

"I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it because, it was well built..."
The passage continues to talk about a man who did not build his house on a firm foundation. But, that tends to be what most people focus on because they don't want that to represent them. However, as I was reading over this passage a few simple words hit me. The man "dug down deep..." I have so often expect God to be my shelter to hide me from the storms without having to really do anything except call on Him. Jesus never said that was the case. These words prove that. In order to truly build a solid foundation, the man had to go DEEP. If we don't continue to dig deep, we will never make it to the Rock. I used to always wonder about the people in the gray areas, the sometimes do-sometimes don't people. But, now God is showing me that it is either "do or drown." You have to get deep. Barely digging just isn't going to cut it when it comes down to it. Also, rarely doing what God says is not going to work either when the floods come rushing in. Floods cause so much destruction. So, what kind of flood insurance are you building up?