Saturday, October 10, 2009

Daniel 3

"But even if the God we serve does not save us...
We will NOT bow!"

Friday, October 9, 2009

Psalm 73:26

"My body and mind may become weak, but God is my strength. He is mine forever." NCV

No matter who you ask, if they are honest, will tell you that they have felt weak in some way or another more than once in their life. I know for a fact, I feel weak at some point every single day. One thing I love about this verse in Psalms is that it is FILLED with hope and reassurance. "God is my strength." That is one of those phrases that can be heard over and over again but can never FULLY be grasped or understood. God is so powerful. If He were to fully reveal His strength to us, let's be honest, we would not be able to handle it. God made us to rely on Him and He knows what He is doing! He really does have the whole world in His hands. How great is that?! How can we not trust our lives in the Hands of a God who is not only strong enough to hold the entire universe but actually cares for what He is holding onto. He holds the universe, the world, everybody, you and me close to His heart. He doesn't just drag us around because He has to be holding us. But He cares! The second part of this verse 26 says "He is mine forever!" WOW! What an amazing concept! Unlike the things of this world (which God is carefully holding), God lasts forever! And He has loved us since before forever began and He will love us long after forever ends (Hey! All things are possible with God!) Although the materialistic things and the relationships that build us up for a little bit seem to make us feel good, the truth of the matter is, it can all be gone in the blink of an eye. But, the hope remains in the fact that there is a God who is stronger, smarter, and better than everything; all of the things that we so easily seem to rely on in this world. I get so confused and angry with myself at times. I wonder why I invest so much time in silly things or shallow relationships that always seem to disappoint instead of giving all that I am to the ONE who holds it all in His hands. I quickly forget that I cannot do it all on my own. In fact, I can't do any of it on my own. I am weak. My body and my mind have been weakened by this world. But, I have a GOD and a friend who is soo much stronger than I can every imagine. He is holding me, right next to His heart. And He will NEVER EVER let go. HE is mine and I am His FOREVER!

"Little ones to HIM belong,
they are weak but, HE IS STRONG!"

Monday, October 5, 2009

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

I know I have not blogged on here in a while. But, I'm back! With a lot weighing on my heart.

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day..." NIV

So many times I have felt like I am just "wasting away" and I'm not sure I really have a purpose in this world. I screw up, fall flat on my face and ask myself if it is really worth getting back up, brushing off, and trying again. Sometimes the troubles of life just become too much to bear an it feels like there is just no hope or reason to keep pushing on. I know the typical "Sunday School response" to this problem is that "God is always there for you and He will pick you up when you fall..." I know that and I'm extremely grateful for that but, sometimes I don't believe it's enough. I KNOW it is. But sometimes knowing and believing are two different things. In 2 Corinthians 4, the last few verses describe why it is important to keep perservering PERFECTLY (God's good at that!) It talks about how we are wasting away, which is exactly how I feel sometimes. But, the part I love comes next..."Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes NOT on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." It is sooo true! And thats what I love about it. I try sooo hard to find hope in frends, family, success, belongings, and so many other things of this world. But these verses are just a reminder of what sould be obvious yet is soo easily forgotten. God did not make this world to satisfy us. Instead, He wants us to realize that He is the only thing that can truly fill our hearts. I used to think it was very inconvient that I couldn't "see" God (thats kindof selfish) but this verse reminds me that its BETTER that He is unseen. If we could really see Him then He would only be temporary. But He isnt! This seems like the basic information but, sometimes its important to remind ourselves of the basics in such a complex world.

"Do NOT lose heart.
God hasn't. Why should we?"